Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pa and Junior to the Rescue

I answered a call from the Hotline while at Wildlife this afternoon. A restaurant manager in Tuscaloosa had called reporting some bees that were causing problems. That was all the information the Hotline had been given. The Hotline asked if we knew of anyone that knew anything about bees, and I offered up Pa and Junior. I asked if we knew for sure if they were honeybees or some other stinging, flying creature. All she knew was that there were "bees" and they were causing problems. I gave her Junior's number, which was passed on to the Tuscaloosa PD. About an hour or so later, Pa and Junior were working on catching another swarm. There were about 3-5 pounds of bees fifteen feet above the street. Pa and Junior cut the limb and got the bees in the hive body and packed up. Of course, Junior didn't think to take pictures until after the capture.


Yodame said...

How do you estimate poundage of bees? Do bee keepers describe pounds of bees rather than body count?

Also how do you lure in bees for the capture? With treats?

JuniorKeeper said...

When you purchase a "package" of bees they are usually sold in 3 pound packages. Having purchased several of these we make a guesstimate based on what a 3 pound package looks like. We always use the measure in reference to numbers of bees. Besides, they're just too darn fast to count. All that flying around.

As for luring in the bees... yes, we have little bee peanuts and little bee sized pint glasses of beer. When presented with this, they come right in! :P

All seriousness aside, if you capture the queen and place her in the hive with some of the bees from the swarm, the rest will go inside on their own.

Yodame said...

Thanks for the info. Very interesting. I'll have to remember that, peanuts and beer, works on most men too :)