Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Weekend Ahead

Weather, the common cold and having too many irons in the fire have delayed work in the bee yard and Labor Day weekend is catch-up time. We have honey to rob, hives to split/divide and an over-due mite check to perform. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this weekend because the splits/divisions can't be put off any longer.

Last week we set up a special colony that we made queen-less and placed grafted queen starter cells into this colony. Being queen-less this colony will want to raise a new queen so we should have more than enough 'ready to hatch' queens by this weekend. We will split and divide several of our existing colonies and place one new queen cell into each of these new hives. If we get rained out this weekend then we will have queen cells hatching out next week and no home to place them in. In case you don't know THIS WILL BE BAD!

We will try to take some photos and post an update next week.

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